This is an individual challenge and does not have a specific start or end time. Feel free to post your journey using Facebook or Instagram using the Hashtag #KingKweenChallenge but this is not mandatory. Please feel free to share and invite those that you know would benefit fro the experience!

This Challenge is listed using Levels. The amount of days spent on each level is personal. For example, you may need more time on Level 1 if your Colon is backed up (depends on your diet or eating habits up to this point). 3-4 days versus a one day Colon Cleanse. You will know how many days you will need to spend on this Level based upon your body’s reaction after the cleanse. This is the same with all Levels of the Challenge. More information is included before for each Level.

Level 1: Colon Cleanse & Oil Pulling

Colon Cleanse Recipes

Option 1: Take 1/2 cup of Apple Juice, 2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice and 1 teaspoon of ginger juice added to 1/2 cup of Warm Water Colon Cleanse Recipe

Option 2: Option 1 + 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt or himalayan salt

Option 3: Oxy – Powder capsules

Option 4: Warm Water with Lemon Juice

Option 5: 1 + 1/2 teaspoon Sea Salt added to 1 cup of Warm Water and 1 + 1/2 teaspoon of Lemon Juice

Option 6: Use a Colon Cleanse that you like, purchase, or adjust one of the above! Additional ingredients that are in other colon cleanses include apple cider vinegar, bentonite clay, raw honey, cayenne pepper, tumeric, castor oil, and psyllium husk!

Oil Pulling

Oil Pulling is gargling with oil for as long as you can stand it, ideally 15 to 20 minutes. This allows for toxins to be pulled out of the mouth going deep into the gums. Most bacteria and toxins enter the body through the mouth. This process allows for those toxic foreign substances to be eliminated before having the chance to enter the body.

Level 2: Juice Cleanse or Intermittent Fasting

This level is about giving the Body a break from Food. It is important that your body still has the minerals needed for proper cell regeneration. Give your body what it needs and do what you are able to do.

Great Vegetables for Juicing or Smoothies: All Green Vegetables, Apples, Bananas, Celery, Beets, Pineapple, Mango

Great Add-ins for Additional Benefits and Protein: Hemp Seeds, Chia Seeds, Flax Seeds

Great Infusing Fruits and Plants: Lemon, Limes, Oranges, Grapefruits, Rosemary, Mint, Basil, Cucumbers,

You want to make it taste Great so that you do not miss the Food!!!

Intermittent Fasting

Fasting means to refrain from eating. Some do not drink juices but stick to water (hopefully infused for essential minerals!) This time includes sleeping since we do not eat while we are asleep, the time that we do not eat before sleeping (we should not eat at least 3-4 hours before resting), and whatever time we do not eat after we rise. Based on a 24 hour cycle, the type of Fast that you do is named by “number of hours not eating” – “number of hours that you eat”. Examples are 18 – 6, 12 – 12, or 20 – 4. Do what is comfortable for you and build your time up on this Level if you are encouraged to do so! For instance start with a 10-14 and build to more hours not eating. 10 hours may consist of not eating 1 hour prior to rest, 8 hours of rest, and 1 hour not eating upon rise. Then the next day try to add an hour before and after rest for a 12-12 and then the next day you could be ready to go more hours not eating than eating. Be patient with yourself and mindful of your body!

Level 3: Environmental Cleanse

Cleaning your physical space is very important to achieving mental clarity. Some times things need to be moved around physically for things to change in other areas of our lives. This can be achieved by cleaning up, organizing, etc. or there may be a need for energy to be cleared. This can be achieved by Smudging, or burning dry herbs or barks like Sage or Palo Santo. The energy is then released in the air to cleanse it. This may also be achieved by balancing the radiation in the home by electrical appliances or technological equipment, including wi-Fi signals that permeate the house. There are methods of balancing this energy including turning them off (grounding your home) buying EMF protection, using Orgonite, or including plants, especially cacti and succulents, in to the home. Access your home and decide what you need to balance the energy in the home. This is a great time to play uplifting music and dancing into the home! I always say that there is no such thing as a mad dancer! Bring Life into your space! Cleanse your Environment!!

Level 4: Womb Cleanse

The Male “Womb” is the Pancreas. It is important to have a Clean Womb as that is where we kreate. Not only do we kreate life with the Uniting of the Male and Female wombs, but we individually kreate concepts, businesses, art, etc. from our wombs. Some of us kreate toxic manifestations because of negative deep seeded experiences that have never left our wombs. Our wombs hold all of those experiences and it comes out in our kreations. This level includes herbal/spiritual steaming or herbal/spiritual baths as well as addressing any experiences that come up during this time period. Healing is mind, body, and spirit so that we are kreating from a pure and non toxic place. You can obtain the herbs from a source that you trust or make your own combination by choosing from a short list provided below.

Level 5: Thought Cleanse

Everything originates in our thoughts. Before words become words, they are thoughts. Before you perform a certain action, you thought about it. Our thought precedes everything and what we do with that information manifests in physical form. Negative thoughts cause dis-ease in the Body. Some refer to it as stress. When we put too much thought on the future it can cause anxiety in our Body. When we put too much thought on the past, it can cause sadness or sorrow. These negative or dis-eased emotions are addressed in the Brain where the signals sent to the Body upset’s the body’s hormonal balance, depletes the brain chemicals required for happiness, and damages the immune system. It is absolutely true that your thoughts can heal or kill you. So this level is designed to gain control of our thoughts for positive thinking and positive health.

Thinking in the present allows for a more natural flow. A lot of the stress that we experience comes from white society/supremacy and an unnatural state of living. We must think past this and view our situation with a positive light where we can think ourselves out of anything that is working against us. In order to do this we must know that our thoughts have kreated our current reality. This comes in mediation. Meditate on times past and things that you have thought or said. You will start to uncover that your thoughts and words came true. It doesn’t happen overnight, as everything takes time to grow because it needs a specific amount of energy to take place, like with a growing plant. But once we think it or say it, things start happening in the Universe to make those things come true. Once we recognize that, it becomes easier to take charge of our thoughts knowing that they will become our reality.

Having a hard time? This will be a great time to make Affirmations and say them whenever you start feeling or thinking negatively. It could be something as simple as “You are always in control of your situations.”, “You are powerful.”, “You are smart.”, “You are Handsome.”, “You are Beautiful.”, “You are Healthy.”, or whatever you need to balance those negative thoughts that tend to appear. Think it and speak it out loud, even if you do not believe it at that time. It is time to rewire your thinking to work for you and in your favor!

Level 6: Word Cleanse

Our thoughts lead to our words. When we speak, we influence. We influence the Universe to work on our behalf. We influence our children’s or those that depend on us and their growth. Our words have power. The power of the tongue. Words can last so much longer than an external wound. Of course this is dependent on the trust and relationship from the person, how deep the words can go, but it is important that we are mindful that the power of Life (positive) and Death (negative) is in the tongue.

This is so key in how we speak to one another in relationships. If we want to heal, we have to be in relationships that has the soil for healing. If we speak to another with degrading or derogatory words, that is a reflection of something internal. We are reflections of each other. Your words come from a source that is internal, your heart. Goddess Ma’at is the Goddess that represents the concepts of order, truth, balance, harmony, justice, reciprocity, and compassion. Her 42 Laws of Negative Confessions made living souls accountable for their actions. Because the soul was said to be housed in the heart, it is her feather that is said to be weighed against a feather to see if the spirit will reach the paradise of the afterlife. This is not to be confused with Heaven or Hell as in certain religions, but rather the fulfillment of purpose as expressed in the lives of Buddha or Jesus.

Speak Life in this Level as it is a reflection of you and the Light you possess.

Level 7: Deep Breathing

Circulation is key to optimum health. Our lungs and flexibility are very important so that air is circulating through our bodies properly. Proper breathing is breathing from your diaphragm and is evident with the stomach expanding and contracting versus the chest rising and falling. Deep Breathing allows for the body to become oxygenated and getting rid of harmful carbon dioxide stored in the body. Optimum oxygen levels can improve wound healing, mental clarity and intelligence, vision, boost immune system, reduce stress levels, help fight cancer cells, and improve your heart and respiration. Mindful breathing can add Life into the body, especially by inhaling clean air by being in Nature, adding plants into the home, using air diffusers especially with essential oils, natural incense, sage, etc.

There are certain techniques that take breathing to another level:

Fire Breaths: Breathing in and out quickly adds additional oxygen in the body. The number of breaths can increase with practice.

Alternate Nostril Breathing: This method also includes exhaling longer than the inhale and holding the breath in between for a predetermined amount of seconds that is possible for you. The number of seconds can increase/decrease with practice.

Smai Tawi, Sema Taui, Kemetic Yoga or other yoga postures increase the capacity of the lungs due to the positioning of the body.

A combination of these methods listed above.

Level 8: Sunbathing

Our organs benefit from being exposed to the Sun, the only light source that has all of the colors of the Spectrum. The Sun is a healing source, especially when entering our eyes, i.e. Sungazing.

Level 9: Grounding

There is an energy that enters the soles of our feet, which are connected to all of the parts of our body, to the Earth or Geb. Shoes and other man made creations, like concrete, separate us from the Earth and His Natural Healing. Spend time barefoot on the Earth and feel the Connection. Spend time sitting, standing, laying, etc. on the Earth. Note how different you feel when you put your shoes back on or step on an unnatural surface. Combine this Level with a previous Level if you are led to, for example Sungazing, Sunbathing, Thought Cleanse, or Deep Breathing.

Level 10: Libation Protection

Water hold energy and remembers. Speaking into liquid stores our wishes. Speaking to the ancestors (or whatever spirits guide you) while pouring water into a natural container (like glass or ceramic) stores those words in the water and make it living. Place that container near the entry to your home for protection or pour it around your home or bless your garden with it. Do whatever you are led to do. Pouring libations is a natural honor that we have done whether we gave it that name or not. “Pour out a little liquor for my homies” is something that we always did. This is giving those that passed before us energy through liquid. Pay homage to those that continue to be with you and protect you in the spiritual realm as spirit never dies, it is just transformed.

Level 11: Sound Vibration

This level is focused on using acoustic or natural instruments for healing and aligning of our chakras. Record and cassette players had this analog and natural influence on our bodies. This healing aspect of music is eliminated with digital sound and electrical amplification. If you do not have a natural instrument, find some natural wood to drum on or metals to make sound with. Just like with the Kalimba, our people made instruments using the shells of coconuts with steel and screws. Our ancestral xylophone is made of wood. Sound also includes our voices. The tones and vibrations that we are able to achieve in our bodies are healing. Put those beautiful tones with healing lyrics and kreate an elevating harmony!

Level 12: Regal Garments

Let your outward appearance match the inner. Represent your ancestors with your clothing. People tend to treat us differently based upon our energy and the clothing that we wear. Test this theory and see how you are perceived by others with your royal garments.