Corona Virus and the Immune

There is so much false and contradictory information being pushed out right now that I felt it is necessary for me to write this Blog Post. Firstly, the Immune System is an Organ System composed of Lymphocytes, Macrophages, and Antibodies with its primary function to remove foreign substances from the Body. This makes the Immune system the first line of defense to any type of virus or infection. Depending on the condition of a person’s individual immune system, a person may or may not contract a virus or infection even when exposed to the same toxic environment as someone that contracts the infection or disease.

In Autoimmune diseases, The Immune System will fail in one of two ways: it fails to develop normally or the immune response is blocked in some way. Certain treatments, diseases, radiation, and drugs can cause the immune response to be blocked.

As stated, Lymphocytes are part of the immune system. They are the primary cells of the lymphatic system and exist in three types: T cells, B cells, and NK cells. T cells account for approximately 80% of the circulating lymphocytes are are thymus-dependent and the primary cells that provide cellular immunity. B cells are derived from the bone marrow and account for 10 to 15 percent of the circulating lymphocytes and are responsible for antibody-mediated immunity. NK, natural killer, cells account for the remaining 5 to 10 percent of the circulating lymphocytes that attack foreign cells, normal cells infected with viruses, and cancer cells that appear in normal tissues. Also, Antibodies are a part of the system and are created by the T and B cells (each one originating differently in response to different pathogens) naturally based on the replication of the DNA (RNA) of the individual. It is also important to note that Antibiotics are chemical products or derivations of certain organisms that inhibit the growth of or destroy other organisms. The term antibiotics mean anti- “against” and biotic “life” and refers to its purpose in destroying a life form. They function by weakening the cell wall, or interfering with the protein synthesis (what the RNA does) of the bacterial cell making it an unnatural form of healing by killing good and bad bacteria in the body and compromising our body’s cells. Although antibiotics are prescribed and available to acquire via a pharmacist, probiotics are not, and most are not verified. It is safer to make and take natural probiotics by fermenting vegetables, like cucumbers to pickles. In addition, it is impossible for the probiotics to exactly replace the killed off positive bacteria in the body as it does not have any memory of the antigens the body was exposed to and operates more like infant cells that need to learn.

As the word indicates, Immune gives us Immunity which is the ability to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of antibodies or white blood cells, which are also a key part of the Immune system. Immunity can be innate, present at birth with no prior exposure to the antigen or the substance that triggers the immune response, causing the body to form and produce specific antibodies, or acquired. Acquired immunity is not present at birth but is acquired by the body’s natural response as a result of exposure to a particular antigen.

According to the late Dr. Llaila Afrika, Melanin is the foundation for immunity and produced by the Pineal Gland. Melanin is also defined as the vital chemical that makes life itself. Quoted from his book on Melanin What Makes Black People Black, “Melanin is a civilizing chemical, reproduces itself, a free radical protector, can be transformed in the blood, concentrates nerve and brain information, neutralizes, oxidizes (breakdown) converts substances, reduces (builds) another substance and is unchanged by radiation and high temperatures. Melanin is inside and outside the body. The more melanin a race has the more humane and civilized the race.” It is important to note that the Pineal Gland’s ability to secrete melanin is dependent upon being stimulated by the Sun and the full spectrum of light that it consists of. Also each of our cells are protected by melanin in the form of melanocytes that work for us if the body is healthy, and vice versa if it is not.

Now that we understand how our immune system operates to grant us immunity, let’s talk about Vitamin C. There are claims that Vitamin C will not boost the immune system against the Corona Virus, stating that there is little evidence to justify the claim. I could understand this if we were discussing supplements, as they are not the same as the whole food, but in its whole food form this doesn’t make sense in my opinion. When we digest the whole food containing Vitamin C, as well as other Vitamins (“Vital Minerals”) and Minerals, the body to knows exactly how to utilize it. In an altered form, it is possible that the beneficial properties are not properly absorbed resulting in little or no effect. This means that eating an orange, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple, etc. with seeds is much better than taking a Vitamin C supplement of whatever dosage. Some of these articles claim that although Vitamin C is effective with limiting the chances of a person catching a cold with high doses of Vitamin C, there is no evidence that this will help with Covid-19, although they recognize that the vitamin is essential to health by naturally acting as an antioxidant (neutralizing free radicals) and supporting normal immune function. It is so important that we understand the role of each organ and what part it plays in the complex system that we call our bodies. Every person is uniquely made with genetics obtained from both parents, male and female. This makes up our DNA (instructions) that is replicated (RNA) to sustain life. It is important that we know our bodies. We must know which plants provide us with positive responses and which ones give us negative ones as there are varieties of plants that have very similar properties. We cannot expect the same result that another person achieved from a specific plant, even if that other person is one of our parents. We must be in tune with and know self.

Vitamin C comes in a variety of forms, as a variety of fruits were mentioned above. We commonly give space to the fruit family, but there are other plants and berries that have Vitamin C, as well as other vital minerals, naturally in their structure like Elderberry and the leaves on a Moringa Tree. In lieu of the pandemic, New York hospitals have recently started treating patients with high dosages of Vitamin C after learning of promising results from the trials in Wuhan, China where they gave their patients high dosages of Vitamin C to counteract the Corona Virus with success.

Lastly, the Corona Virus is classified as an Acute Respiratory Infection that dies at temperatures above 56 degrees Celsius, binds to certain cells in the lungs that normally prevents the buildup of mucus and other debris within the lungs. The virus can attack the virus cells as well as the body’s own cells if a person has a compromised immune system. Vitamin D deficiency, the absorption of the Sun especially for highly melanated persons, is associated with increased susceptibility to infection. The virus enters the body via droplets, meaning drops from coughing and sneezing traveling from an infected person on a non infected person. This is why the use of face masks on a non infected person doesn’t lessen the exposure to the virus and thos that are infected are instructed to using N95 face masks which are hospital grade and is accompanied with training on how to properly attach. These masks eliminate at least 95% of particle transference. This is why masks are of limited to no use for those who are well because if the virus droplet touches anywhere on the body, there is chance of getting the infection. If someone is infected, the mask destroys the changes of the droplet transferring to another person by sneezing or coughing as the droplets will be contained inside of the mask. This also means that a loose fitting mask worn by the infected individual can still infect someone else if droplets escape the mask.

In summary, we are naturally immune to any virus or infection if our bodies have what it needs to get rid of the foreign substance, indicating a strong immune system. This is achieved by eating whole foods that naturally contain protective properties that the body needs to function optimally, as well as providing Vitamin C along with other essential or Vital Minerals in the body. Also, Masks do not help to protect your body from the Corona Virus but rather the spread of it if worn by an infected person. If infected it is recommended to kill the virus by subjecting it to temperatures that it cannot survive with by inhaling steam that could be infused with citrus and herbs for additional healing properties. It is the temperature of the steam that is the most important part of this process! Be safe, but more importantly, be knowledgeable!!! Thank you for reading!!! Please visit our Homepage and Follow us on Instagram!!!

Sources: Melanin What Makes Black People Black by Dr. Llaila Afrika,, The Handy Anatomy Answer Book by James Bobick and Naomi Balaban,, World Health Organization,,