Eat it Whole

Things are created whole. Everything! From people to animals to fruit to plants to leaves. From the whole we can break something down into parts, or unnaturally extract specific components, but creations occur in whole form.

Let’s take food as an example. When food is created, it is whole. The seeds for grapeseed oil do not grow without the grape. Whether we are discussing the Plant Kingdom with whole leaves, entire roots, full flowers, or the entire fruit, or the Animal Kingdom where animals must be in whole form to have life, life is present when things are whole.

This is a basic but important principle as we have been conditioned to look at things, including our health, in part. Chicken eaters rarely purchase, cook, and/or eat whole chicken. An exception to this rotisserie chicken which is cut into specific pieces for selected consumption. Majority of meat eaters have a preference as to which piece if chicken they prefer. Going to a fast food restaurant, you are able to order the piece or pieces of meat that you desire.

With salads today, we have options to either cut up the vegetables from the whole lettuce head, tomato, cabbage, etc. or buy a plastic package of greens pre cut and mixed for consumption with ease. Even canned and frozen foods highlight cut vegetables and rarely have the whole food in its packaging.

Everything starts to decompose at a higher rate when they are broken down. This is evident with an apple. A whole apple will have a longer shelf life if is kept whole versus being cut into slices. The flesh inside of apple slices start turning brown within a short time of being cut.

This is an important lesson when discussing the operation of our physical bodies as they are designed to process foods as they are created, in whole form. It can be dangerous to have excess of a certain mineral if it is not balanced with others. The plant, root, flower, or fruit is made up of all the mineral balancing necessary naturally which is why it is not only safe but beneficial to our health to eat it in this manner. Eating an apple provides us with fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and Potassium to assist with gut health, diabetes, blood cholesterol, blood pressure, and helps to prevent cancer. These are just some of the benefits of eating the whole apple.

Eating a “part” or the synthetic replica of a certain mineral in food is dangerous and essentially what is being done when taking vital minerals or vitamins. Scientists have found a way to determine the active ingredient or molecular structure of a component of food and duplicate it without the other balancing parts to give us “more of what we need.” This throws our bodies off balance if we give it too much of one thing without the other and expect our bodies to process it properly. We are buying vitamins and taking them, ultimately sending our bodies into shock. Our RNA copies coding from our DNA to convert food into fuel consisting of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Since our DNA is ancestral and passed down through our lineage with minimal change over thousands of years, the coding expects to receive the whole food as it is grown from the Earth naturally. Different parts of food is made for different parts of the body as each organ has a specific requirement for optimal health depending on its designed function. This process is negatively effected by consuming specific minerals in an unnatural form.

Instead of taking supplements, we can change our diets so they include the minerals that our bodies are in need of. Teas are a great way to incorporate different plants with different minerals into the body. Changing what we eat is a way we can be sure that we are giving our bodies what it needs to process our intake without causing unintentional damage. I do not expect anyone to eat a whole chicken. The topic was mentioned to demonstrate how we have been conditioned to consume food in part. Each part of the chicken has a different makeup depending on what that part of the body is essential for. The same thing goes with purchasing fruits and vegetables pre-cut versus being whole.

What we eat reflects the health of our bodies. As we learn our bodies and relearn foods, we can make better decisions in regards to what we consume for health’s sake! But when in doubt, eat it whole! When you don’t, just know what that means and provide balance to the body! Life is all about balance!